Using Online Auto Repair Guides

When doing your own auto repairs and maintenance, having an auto repair manual handy is always a good idea. Traditional, printed manuals, however, can be clunky, and they might not always have all of the information you need. Furthermore, you can’t ask a printed manual for clarification in case you don’t understand a part of the instructions. All of which is why the internet is become more and more the place where many car owner go for to get their car repair questions answered. Here are some of the auto repair resources you can find online that can supplement the traditional manufacturer’s repair manual.
Haynes is a well known publisher of automotive repair manuals. On the Haynes Online website you can order the printed manuals for a wide variety of makes and models for $25 plus shipping. However, in addition to traditional manuals, the website also has a ton of useful, very well produced instructional videos. These videos teach you how to perform basic and slightly advanced automotive repairs and maintenance procedures. Everything from oil changes to replacing broken hoses.
The Professional’s Database
ALLDATA provides troubleshooting guides and technical spec information to professional auto shops and dealerships. The website is the company’s offering to the average car owner looking for a source of professional-grade auto repair information. For $27 a year you get access to the complete database for one vehicle make and model. With this subscription, you get detailed, printable guides, diagrams and manuals. You also get access to bulletin boards where you can post your questions to other car owners, a great resource for those times when you find yourself stumped by a particularly puzzling car problem.
Free User-created Repair Guides
Finally, there’s a huge amount of user-generated auto repair guides and videos. YouTube, for one, is a great place to access step-by-step instruction guides on how to perform basic as well as complex car repairs. The quality of these guides varies, but with some searching you can find some pretty good ones. The website FreeAutoRepairManualz is also good resource, especially for those looking for more specialized guides for specific car models and types of repairs.